Rock Buns and Rolling Pins (North Walsham)

What was your reaction when lockdown was announced?What have you missed most, apart from family & friends?What have you been doing? Have you learnt something new or unusual?Has lockdown been difficult or easy, could you get used to this way of life?What is the first thing you will do/like when life is back to normal?Anything else you'd like to say about your lockdown experience?
Accepted the lockdown but didn't realise it would go on so long.Not being able to go on a bus whenever I wanted.Lots of gardening, some knitting, having a good clear out. Watching lots more TV.Has not been difficult but would not like to be restricted for too long.Be able to go on a holiday wherever I like.My neighbours and friends especially from WI have been very supportive after my husband died in January.