Public Affairs

We keep members aware of current issues of public concern.

We are involved with national and local campaigns

The Committee includes the following Norfolk Federation appointments: ACWW Co-ordinator, Norfolk Climate Ambassador, Resolutions Co-ordinator and Science Representative.

Committee members represent the WI in other Norfolk organisations.

100 Years of WI campaigns in Norfolk (EDP Article)

Follow the links below to find out more.

ACWW Update: Important information regarding new process for cheques relating to ACWW fundraising (effective April 2022)

Norfolk Campaigns & Resolutions

Follow the link to find out more


Follow the link to find out more


Follow the link to find out more

Health & Caring

Follow the link to find out more

Norfolk Says No Big White Ribbon

Follow the link to find out more

Public Affairs Link (PALs) Newsletter

Follow the link to find out more

Trafalgar Day

Follow the link to find out more

Cream Tea Chemistry

We have a member who is our Science Representative and we have organised some interesting events to widen our knowledge of matters scientific.

Campaign Cup Competition 2024/5

Bee photo

Coronation Gardens Campaign Cup 2025

Report of Zoom Launch meeting held on 9th April 2024

EXTENDED DEADLINE 15th September 2024

Cambridge Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens

Join us for a coach trip to the Botanical gardens on Wednesday 25th September 2024. The visit will include a talk and a 90 minute tour of the gardens. Click here for more details

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Cream Tea Chemistry participantWould you be interested in getting more involved in NFWI Public Affairs?

  • Promoting National or Norfolk campaigns in your part of Norfolk?
  • Discussing Resolutions: possible or actual?
  • Hearing more about NFWI PA Events?
  • Joining us?

Please write in if we can help you in any way.

Please use the "Contact Us" tab to get in touch and find out more.