Diary Dates

Programme for 2025

All our meetings are held in Attleborough Town Hall, Queen's Square, NR17 2AF.  Doors open from 1.15pm.  The meeting starts at 1.30pm, ending at about 4pm.

DateSpeaker (if applicable) /ActivityCompetition / Quiz
22nd JanuaryClive Evans on the work of the Priscilla Bacon HospiceA New Year's Resolution
26th FebruaryLadies in Pigs:  From Farm to TableA limerick using the word "Pig"
26th  MarchLinda Scoles:  Around the World in 23 YearsA holiday souvenir
23rd AprilSaffron Summerfield:  When Birds Sing - an illustrated talk in birdsongA photo or picture of a bird
28th MayDiscussion and voting on the proposed WI Resolutions for 2025Bingo!
25th JuneFund Raising Auction, followed by a tea party -
23rd JulyJo Tunmore demonstrating flower arrangingA photograph of a favourite flower
27th AugustArt, Craft & Cookery Show: your chance to shine!A fun and frantic Beetle Drive
24th SeptemberCheryl Cade with her "Cheesy Chat"Your favourite cheese recipe
22nd OctoberOur 89th Birthday Party with cake and entertainment-
26th NovemberOur Annual Meeting when we vote on our new Committee Handbag Bingo
17th DecemberChristmas Lunch at The Crown in Great Ellingham 

Other Dates for your diary

Fund raising events include:

  • Saturday 12th April:  Spring Fair in St Mary's Church
  • Saturday 18th November:  Autumn Fair (venue to be decided)

The Guiltcross Group (a group of local WIs to which Attleborough WI belongs):

Meetings at Old Buckenham Village Hall on 17th April and 18th September, which include a speaker and a chance to meet other ladies from the Group's WIs.

DON'T FORGET : We also have various Groups that any Attleborough WI member can attend e.g. our craft group meetings, regular coffee mornings in Old Buckenham Country Park, our Walk 'n Talk Group, Cookery Club and our Book Club.

Contact Genevieve Wicks for more information (01953 451107)

Programme for 2024

All our meetings are held in Attleborough Town Hall, Queens Square.  Doors open from 1.15pm.  The meeting starts at 1.30pm, ending at about 4pm.

DateSpeaker (if applicable) /ActivityCompetition / Quiz
24th JanuaryPhil Butcher on "Stuff and Folly". Nominations for our new CommitteeA theatre programme
28th FebruaryAnnual Meeting, followed by a Getting to Know You Bingo-
27th MarchWally Webb on his career as a BBC Radio Norfolk PresenterA famous line from an old radio show
24th AprilJulie Porter with a Murder Mystery - full audience participation!-
22nd MayDiscussion and voting on the proposed WI Resolutions for 2024 Beetle Drive
26th JuneSummer Garden Party by kind invitation of member, Kate EdwardsA posy picked from your garden
24th JulyGeorgette Vale on "A Royal Visit from Queen Victoria"A very old photograph, any subject
28th AugustArt, Craft & Cookery Show: your chance to shine!-
25th SeptemberAndy Malcolm from the Fishermen's Mission on the True Price of FishYour favourite fish recipe
23rd OctoberOur 88th Birthday Party with cake, fun and games. 
27th NovemberA Craft Afternoon with Betty Stacey creating a Christmas decorationA Christmas quiz
DecemberChristmas Lunch with all our WI friends (date and venue to be confirmed) 
Programme for 2023

All our meetings are held in Attleborough Town Hall.  Doors open from 1.15pm.  The meeting starts at 1.30pm, ending at about 4pm.

DateSpeaker (if applicable)Competition/Quiz
25th JanuarySelection and voting on  the WI Resolutions for 2023.  Followed by a quizA New Year Resolution
22nd  FebruaryThe Norfolk Blood Bikers. Plus nominations for new Committee members
22nd MarchAnnual Meeting, when subscriptions are due.  Plus "Wear Your Mother's Jewellery".  Tell us about this item. 
26th AprilSimon White of Peter Beales: a demonstration on creating a spring containerA photo of a spring flower(s)
24th MayVoting on the WI Resolutions for 2023, followed by a Beetle Drive 
28th JuneA Royal Celebration of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles IIIYour favourite cup and saucer
26th JulyBruce, the Pickle ManYour favourite pickle recipe
23rd AugustOur Arts, Crafts & Cookery Show:  A chance for everyone to join in.Prizes in the various classes will be awarded
27th SeptemberJenny Gibbs on Turkish CookeryA photo of an exotic meal
25th OctoberAttleborough will be 87 Years Old this Month:  A Tea Party with entertainmentHandbag Bingo
22nd NovemberBetty Stacey:  A demonstration of creating a Christmas craft item. 
13th  DecemberOur Christmas Lunch:  date and venue to be confirmed