About Us
Welcome to the Attleborough WI Webpage
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The Town Hall where we meet | Attleborough WI Committee members |
Attleborough WI was formed in 1936 and at that time the meetings were held in a tin hut; today, about 40 members meet in the comfortable Town Hall in Queen's Square (picture above). Our monthly meetings (on the fourth Wednesday of each month) usually include a speaker or entertainer, followed by our refreshment time when we get the chance to catch up with old friends, or make new ones. We then discuss upcoming events in the local area, including any outings that have been organised. A short social period follows when we might have a quiz or a beetle drive or have a chat amongst ourselves on subjects important to the WI. And finally we end with a raffle. Our programme for this year can be found on this website. Members who have a birthday during the month will receive a lovely hand-made birthday card.
Our enthusiastic Committee ensures we have an active programme of events including theatre trips, outings to gardens, cathedrals, halls and local exhibitions etc. For those of a craft-y disposition, our Craft Group is very active, meeting once a month. We enter the WI’s Centenary Salver Competition every year, and we hold an Art, Craft and Cookery Show every other year. Other groups include a few of us regularly meeting up for coffee and cake in an Attleborough cafe. There are lunches out at garden centres or cafes arranged on an ad hoc basis, and our Cinema Group gets to see the latest films in Norwich. The Walk 'n Talk group has regular outings too, possibly doing more talking than walking! Let’s not forget our Book Club which meets every month for an enjoyable get together. And we've just formed a singing group, meeting every other month to have a warble together, accompanied by much laughter, coffee and of course, cake!
Over the years Attleborough WI has contributed to benches and a town sign, a new clock for the Town Hall, a garden for the Junior School, equipment for the doctors' surgery and a trophy for the children's section of the Horticultural Society. We also sponsor the Attleborough Christmas Lights every year.
Fund raising is important to us so we hold coffee mornings, and our own Spring and Autumn Fairs in Attleborough, where our stalls and home-made cakes are very popular.
Why not have a look at - and like - our Facebook Page which will keep you up to date with everything that’s happening with Attleborough WI?
Come and join us. Make new friends, learn new skills and enjoy something just for you!
Please get in touch if you’d like to learn more about Attleborough WI via Facebook (Attleborough Women’s Institute), or call me (01953 451107) for a chat.
Genevieve (Secretary)
Charity No 1020429
Our Members![]() |
At one of our meetings![]() | ![]() Our Cookery Group |
A coffee morning get together | ![]() Our Walk 'n Talk Group |
What Attleborough WI Means to Me
In January 2024 members were asked to write in a few words what Attleborough WI means to them individually. Here's what our members wrote:
I joined to meet new people and found: friendship, fun and education.
Company, friendliness, interesting.
Friends, fun and cake.
Close friends, close by. Reliable and fun.
Good company and making new friends. Fun and doing good for our community.
It has been a lifeline for me throughout the years – especially now. I have made so many friends. I enjoyed the competitions and being on the committee for 13+ years.
A place of friendship, warmth, a happy place; somewhere to share ideas; somewhere that’s just for women.
Friendship. Learning. Activities. Outings.
For me WI means making new friends, discovering new activities, sharing interests and having access to the vast amount of advice and knowledge these ladies have.
I joined the WI to make friends and I have made many. Long may we continue,
Monthly meeting to catch up with friends; entertainment, speakers etc; worldly matters of importance to use a vote; educational; tea and biscuits and gossip; our walking/ambling group.
Loving non-judgemental connection with glamorous sexy and sassy women who bend over backwards to help our community and long may it be so, and may they always shine.
WI is like a treasure chest of enjoyment, combining chats with old friends and new acquaintances, a variety of different activities and crafts in which we can all take part, and interesting speakers to educate us about subjects we may never have considered before.
The WI means fun, friendship and education. Love it!
It’s a place I like to belong
With monthly meetings to keep my mind switched on.
Friendly faces will always be seen.
That is why I am so very keen
I came to Attleborough six years ago. Didn’t know anyone. Went to Slimming World. Met a member. She then asked if I would like to go to the WI. I didn’t have a clue but after 6 years I am so pleased, and now I know so many ladies and would like to say it’s the best way to meet other ladies who are very good friends.
When I moved to Attleborough the WI enabled me to make friends and enjoy various outings.
Moving to Attleborough was a daunting task after living in Essex my whole life. The WI meant making new friends whilst having fun. Also learning more of life with our speakers. Really enjoy our meet ups. Well done everyone
Attleborough WI means companionship, laughs, walks, talks, teas, cakes, coffees, outings, support, wine, meals and friendship. Thanks to you all.
Genevieve (President)
May 2024
The Pandemic
Attleborough WI meetings were cancelled from March 2020 due to the pandemic and we restarted proper meetings in a new venue, the Town Hall, in July 2021 . During that hiatus, our members were in regular contact by phone and Facebook and Zoom. Quite a few of us were well outside our comfort zones but we mastered the dark arts of Zoom and Video Messenger, and we met up for weekly meetings on Zoom - coffee mornings on Tuesdays, and a quizzes on Thursdays.
A monthly newsletter became a regular feature during this time, featuring many contributions from members. Our newsletters are available to read here on the Newsletter page. A fun quiz, devised by our Secretary, Anne Tinker, was also sent out at the same time.
At the time of writing, Attleborough WI members meet regularly every month, enjoying our get-togethers whilst taking all the necessary precautions to keep us safe and healthy.
February 2022