Craft Group Programme

Craft Group 2025

The Craft Group meets the first Monday of the month in Attleborough Town Hall from 9.30am, with the session starting at 10am, to 12 noon.  Visitors are welcome.

We will try to keep cost for speaker sessions to £10 and under, on top of our usual £4 to cover the hall and refreshments.

Please see below with the dates and details of our craft sessions for this year.

Please contact Genevieve Wicks on 01953 451107 for more information.

Dates for 2025
3rd February
3rd March: Fabric Flowers with Betty
7th April:  Easter Chicks with Jenny Amos
12th May:  No craft session in May
2nd June:  Needle case with Betty
7th July:  Own work/speaker to be confirmed
4th August: Own work/speaker to be confirmed
1st September: Craft session with Margaret Collingwood, activity to be confirmed
6th October: Iris folding with Maggie and Linda
3rd November: Own work/speaker to be confirmed
1st December: Own work/speaker to be confirmed