Diary Page






January 9th



Resolution and Social Evening

A craft item you have made

February 13th

Phil Slater

A night at the Movies


March 12th


Coffee Morning 09.30 - 11.30


March 13th

The Hamlet Charity

Overcoming Barriers


A Flowering bulb/s you have planted in a pot

March 26th

Linda Scoles

Everything I wanted to know about sex



April 10th

Peg Hunter

Bollywood Dance


May 8th


Have your Say

Quiz Night

3 items from your kitchen drawer

May 17th


Table Top Sale


June 12th

DJ Steve Burns

Music of the 60s

Our Birthday


Best 60s Outfit

July 10th

Nicola Wright

Journey as an artist


Something from your travels

August 14th


Evening Outing


September 11th

Bertie Welland

Murder Squad



An item to protect


September 24th

Steven Poulter

The Lost Heritage of Norfolk



October 9th

Sandra Roberts

Paper Craft item with a Christmas Theme


The item you make

November 13th



Family Games Night

Something that means Christmas to you

December 11th


Christmas Meeting

Programme for April 2024 - March 2025






April 11th

Little Lifts

A cancer charity that provides gift bags to those who have had a breast cancer diagnosis

May 9th


Member's Poems /short stories

Resolution Vote

A Limerick beginning " There was a young lady from Watton"

June 13th

Birthday Evening

An outing to Dale Farm

No Competition

July 11th

Peg Hunter

Dance History and Demonstration

 A written reminder of why you  enjoyed your visit to Dale Farm. No larger than A4 and no photographs

August 8th


Quiz and Social Evening

 A flower arrangement in a wine glass



Member's Activity

Vegetable, Salad and Fruit DecoratingNo Competition

October 10th

Brenda O'Dowd JP

The Role of the Magistracy

 My favourite tea cup and Saucer

November 14th

Simon White

Holly Wreath Demonstration


Christnmas Shortbread

December 12th


Stuff & Folly and refreshments

No Competition

January 9th




A Craft item you have made

February 13th



Bingo to follow

No Competition.

March 13th

Matty Cox

Hamlet Charity

Providing support for young children, young people and adults with disabilities and complex needs in Norwich and across Norfolk

A flowering spring bulb you planted in a pot

Welcome to Watton Evening WI Diary Page.

This is our scheduled events at Watton Evening WI for the year April 2024-March 2025

The meetings and speakers are subject to change and restrictions.

Members will be asked to  volunteer for the tea rota and be available from 7.00pm. Tea and biscuits will be provided but cakes are always welcome.

Competitions - points awarded for entering and further points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.  Annual prize awarded.

Bring and Buy - These are held most  months and members are asked to take unsold items home

Wayland Group Meetings

As part of the Wayland Group of WI's, two meetings are held per year along with a carol service.

Wednesday September 25th:  Mrs Pope and Miss Mathews from the Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre

Wednesday 26th March:  Tina Vallance will lead a Bollywood Dance Workshop

Lunch Club  -  Dates will be published in the newsletter

Outings and Activities: Details will be in the monthly newsletter.

Book Club: Usually the 2nd Saturday of the month at Watton Library.  Books that can be borrowed from the library, will be chosen Contact us if you would like to join in.