
Members of the Briston & Melton Constable WI can enjoy any of the activities below, which we arrange.  If you wish to become a member of our WI, please complete the 'Become a member' section on this website or PM us from our Facebook page Briston & Melton Constable WI

Walking group 2025  
24th FebGrowl AbbeyMeet in local car park
3rd MarKettle Hill, BlakeneyCar share
10th MarPheasant FarmMeet in local car park
17th MarSheringham ParkCar share

Knit & Natter

Meets at 2.30pm on the 4th Tuesday each month in Briston
Crochet Group
Meets on Wednesdays from  2pm - 4pm in Briston.  Dates are published at our monthly meetings.
10 Pin Bowling Group
Bowling takes place normally on the first Friday in the month and the third Thursday in the month, subject to school holidays.  Dates are published at our monthly meetings.
Lunch Group
Meets on the 4th Friday every month
24th Jan - Holt Garden Centre, Kelling
28th Feb - Bucks Arms, Blickling