
EVENTS FOR 2024/25
2 May 2024 - Visit to Bury St Edmunds
14 of our members went on a day trip to Bury St Edmunds and had a very interesting tour of The St Edmundsbury Cathedral.  On the way home they stopped off at The Bunbury Arms to recharge their batteries and fill up with an excellent carvery. A great day was had by all.
Group Photo

All ready for the tour outside St Edmundsbury Cathedral

Here they are - looking quite angelic!

Inside Cathedral

22 May 2024 - 7pm St Andrews Church, Scole
Talk by Elizabeth Talbot on 'Life and Work as an Auctioneer.  Ticket Price £10 (Refreshments Included: Tea/Coffee/Pimms and Cake). Tickets available from Judy or Liz.
A number of our W.I. members took part in the South Norfolk Council's litter pick again this year (April 2023).

Chris Brooks - Scole's litter warden, organises the areas to be cleared from litter and, along with some of his team of volunteers, they managed to fill 15 sacks with rubbish.

Afterwards, they all visited the Scole Inn for a well deserved cup of coffee.  Thank you everyone.

Lunch and Boat Trip - Thursday 29 June 2023

16 of our ladies went 'cruising down the river' on a sunny Thursday afternoon in  June.  After wining and dining at The Maybush, everyone climbed  aboard The Jahan for a 2 hour trip on the river Deben.  The Jahan left the quay at Waldringfield and headed down river as far as Old Felixstowe Ferry with the captain pointing out lots of places of interest along the way.  These included: Ramsholt church which is quite often used to shoot scenes for period dramas - the BBC's Great Expectations being one. A glimpse of Bawdsey Manor (heavily camouflaged by trees),  research station and home to the development of the radar. The Maid Marion, one of the original small boats used to assist in the the Dunkirk evacuation but was diverted to Le Havre and is still used in film work today. A very pleasant and relaxing day was had by all.Lunch
JahanRiver Deben
Garden Party - 6 July 2023

14 of our Scole W.I. members were rewarded with a beautiful sunny afternoon for their garden party  on Thursday 6 July.  Kicking off with Strawberries and cream, they were then spoilt for choice by Liz's fabulous Lemon Drizzle, Judy's signature
Coffee & Walnut and Ann's amazing Madeira Raspberry cake!

Judy and the committee were excellent hosts for the afternoon, providing all those extra touches to ensure everyone had a wonderful time.

Garden Party
Outing to Southwold Summer Theatre - Thursday 24 August 2023
Sail Loft Tea Pot Sail Loft Lunch 
Southwold Theatre 

Wining and  dining again!  This time at The Sail Loft, ahead of a visit to Southwold Summer Theatre.  Eleven members dodged the showers to enjoy a day out in Southwold on  24 August.

After a very satisfying lunch one group were energetic enough to take a walk along the beach to the little theatre in the town. The rest took advantage of  the Border Hopper into town and managed to sneak in a crafty gelato before all meeting up in the theatre foyer.  Everyone took their seats in the theatre for an afternoon of entertainment - Marriage is Murder - a comedy thriller.  A great time was had by all.

Wreath Making - Saturday 25 November 2023
Scole W.I. spent a very pleasant and productive morning making festive wreaths under the watchful eye of our instructor Jenny. Amid lots of mess and chatter our creative talents began to emerge!

A few hours later everyone was very pleased with their efforts.

Thank you Jenny for your guidance and for providing all the essentials to help us to achieve such great results.
Christmas Lunch - Thursday 7 December 2023
Here we are having our final get together of the year at The Bell, Rickinghall.  A group of us enjoyed a festive lunch along with a good old natter and look forward to seeing everyone again at our first meeting on 4 January 2024.