About Us Rollesby & District WI

What we did in 2018

What a year!

We had a fun-packed year at Rollesby & District WI as usual.  Our speakers were informative and entertaining and included:

  • Frances Middleton-Sri Lanka, Pearl of the Ocean
  • Peter Lawrence-Whitehall, the road to power and glory
  • Lynne Mortimer-a Columnist from the EDP
  • Steven Gaskin-History of Fingerprints

There were lots of outings-the theatre, cream teas and a charity walk to name a few.  One of the highlights of the year was an evening with Dale Bullimore which left us all swooning and we are looking forward to spending another evening with him for our Birthday Celebration on the 11 March 2019.

We are all looking forward to another busy year and invite you to see what's going on in our "Diary".