About us

Hoveton & District WI  is nestled in the heart of the Norfolk Broads and was formed in 1922. We meet in the Youth and Community Centre, Stalham Road, Hoveton. Our main meeting is held on the first Wednesday of the month at 2pm when we have a speaker, deal with any business, have a raffle and the afternoon finishes with biscuits/cake and a cuppa accompanied by much chat and laughter.

In the recent past we have enjoyed eating out, visits to the theatre in Norwich, riding on the Bure Valley Railway, a river trip on the solar powered Ra, Christmas parties and our own 'in house' activities. The latter has included a beetle drive which caused much hilarity and brought out the competitiveness in some of us!

A tea and chat afternoon is held on 2nd, 3rd & 4th  Wednesdays in the Youth and Community centre and is open to  members and non members. A small charge is made per person to cover costs. Although these afternoons are mainly chat, we do have book swaps and the occasional light-hearted quiz.

We are a small, friendly group and new members and visitors are always welcome. Contact Sue on 01603 783387 for more information.