At the start of the pandemic in 2020, one of the ladies from Grimston & District WI had to go into hospital and unfortunately caught Covid and passed away.

We decided to honour her memory when allowed by having a desserts afternoon as Joan Twite (89) always loved her desserts at WI Lunch.

Sadly, at the end of 2021 we lost another member, Julie Manning (74) to cancer so we thought we would share the event for the two of them.

In September 2022, we invited the village to come and get it’s “Just Dessert”

And they did, even though it was the week after the Queen died.

With the support of the Twite family, we had desserts, a raffle and a craft stall on a Saturday afternoon which raised the grand total of £1000.

Councillors Colin Manning, and Michael De Whalley gave £500 between them, from the councillors’ community grant scheme, so we had enough money to purchase the defib.

The Parish council organised the purchase and have agreed to maintain it.

The village hall agreed to have it on their wall and have the electrics done and use their electricity to run it.

The electrician supplied all the equipment needed to get the supply outside and donated his time for free.

The plaque was made by Dewhursts trophies.