
We love our beautiful county and welcome the chance to celebrate both Norfolk and our organisation

#NorfolkDay2020 ... #WI♥Norfolk ... #MyVirtualWI

#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
Says Kim Reynolds, Federation Trustee, as she takes us round her gorgeous miniature house.
Would you like to see inside? Follow the link to look inside!
#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
Viv Hanmer & Jane France of City WI have been preparing some crafty ways of spreading the love!Norfolk Day

Norfolk Day

#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
This is why, says Jane France of City WI, who's pebble has been travelling!
Norfolk Day
*** Trees are very much a feature of Norfolk. ❤️

*** Hanging baskets give so much pleasure to others. This is a lockdown one!

Norfolk Day*** Poppies always bring back memories of staying with my Grandmother in Norfolk. ❤️
#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
This is why, says  Pat Jarrett of Toftwood WI:
In April I was due to give a talk at Toftwood WI (where I am a member) about my passion for making stained glass. My interest for stained glass started when I attended a day course at Federation Office in 2006. After I retired I did a few crafts fairs and I am now a member of The Norfolk Craft Guild and Blakeney Guild of Many Crafts. Who knows where you will end up after attending a WI course.
*** That's why I support the WI on Norfolk Day.
#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
This is why, says Sandra Tovee of Barford, Wramplingham and District WI:
I Love my garden, but I needed to focus on something else other than all those jobs that needed doing! With my arthritic hands I managed to make one "Green Heart" for every day (84) of the 12 weeks of lock-down.
(ED: They will go to Federation for Green Heart Day, FAM or Dippy's visit ... whichever comes first! see Sandra with the whole of Barford, Wramplingham and District WI on Norfolk Day 2018 when they were well ahead with the "Get on Board" campaign.)
#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
This is why, says Mary Dorrell
Spelling the message out in buttons, in her craft room
#WI♥Norfolk #MyVirtualWI #NorfolkDay2020
We love our beautiful county and we love our WI.
This is why, says Wendy Adams, Newton Flotman WI
Combining her love of embroidery and gardening!