
Welcome to


2025 January onwards

March 2025:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Why not join us for a cuppa and a chat on zoom. Our next Afternoon Tea is on

Tuesday 13th May 2025 2.30 until 4pm.

Come and go as you please. Invite a friend to join in.

Zoom invitations will go out to members nearer the time.

If you would like to join us as a visitor, please email for a link


March 2025:  Easter Drop-In sessions

Members of all Virtual WIs are welcome to join us for a chat at our drop-in sessions over the Easter weekend.

Good Friday 18th Apr. 11am - 12noon approx

Easter Sat 19th Apr. 3pm - 4pm approx

Easter Day Sun 20th Apr. 11am - 12noon

Easter Monday 21st Apr. 3pm - 4pm

If you would like to join us, please email for a link

March 2025:  2025 Subscriptions  

Our 2025 Subs are due from 1st April and are £51 full member, £25.10p dual.

Members have been requested to renew by 5th April please.

If you wish to join us as a member, please contact via email.


February 2025:   Coffee Morning on zoom

Why not join us for a cuppa and a chat on zoom. Our first Coffee Morning is on

Tuesday 15th April at 11am – 12noon.

Come and go as you please. Invite a friend to join in.

Zoom invitations will go out to members nearer the time.

If you would like to join us as a visitor, please email for a link

February 2025:   Our Subgroup meetings

Our Subgroups have agreed the following dates for their meetings:

Book Club            second Tuesday  2-4pm

Craft and Chat     second Thursday  2-4pm

Social History       third Tuesday  2-4pm

Please contact if you would like to join in these sessions

February 2025:  Quiz Night CANCELLED

It is with regret that, as we have not reached sufficient numbers to make this viable, we have had to cancel this event.

If you have ideas for events you would like to see put on, please email our committee via

January 2025:  Afternoon Tea (and Morning Coffee?) on zoom

Why not join us for a cuppa and a chat on zoom. Our next Afternoon Tea is on

Thursday 20th March 2025 2.30 until 4pm.

Come and go as you please. Invite a friend to join in.

Zoom invitations will go out to members nearer the time.

If you would like to join us as a visitor, please email for a link

We are thinking of introducing Coffee Mornings as well as Afternoon Teas. Members are asked to let us know if they are interested in this by email to

January 2025:  SAVE THE DATE  Virtual Festival

The Virtual Festival Weekend will be 15th – 17th August 2025 inclusive.

There will be other events during that month that will be called “Festival Fringe” so as not to be confused with the usual virtual pop-up events.


January 2025:  Quiz Night

Members have been sent a flyer with details and an application form for our March Quiz Night.

The quiz is by Zoom on

***   OPEN TO ALL ***

Cost £3 per person

The closing date for applications is 20th February 2025

A fun online quiz with a prize for the winning team.

Open to all, so so why not invite family and friends to join you.

If you don’t have enough people for a team, don’t worry. We will match you with other players, so please don’t let that stop you. .

Anyone wishing to join us should apply for an application form via email to

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2024 October to December

December 2024:  Inaugural meetings of Sub Groups

There had been an encouraging amount of interest in the three proposed sub groups so far. The format of each of the first meetings would be to discuss how the group would run, what sort of thing members wanted to get from it, the frequency and day of the week.

Book Club - 1st meeting Tuesday 21st January 2-4pm

Knit & Natter - 1st meeting Thursday 6th February 2-4pm ***

Social History – 1st meeting Tuesday 18th February 2-4pm

*** Renamed to Craft & Chat to incorporate any craft not just knitting


December 2024: Our 2025 programme

The new version of our programme covers our meetings for 2025.

If you have any recommendations for future speakers, please let us know via

Our 2025 programme can be found here.


November 2024:  Book club on zoom 

Following recent feedback from members on possible sub groups, the biggest interest was in a book club. An inaugural meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 2pm. This first meeting will discuss format, date/regularity etc going forward so this can get underway.

Members are asked to reply via email to by Christmas to advise if they are interested in joining this first meeting or not.


October 2024: Afternoon Tea on zoom

Why not join us for our next “afternoon tea” on zoom.

TUESDAY 14th January 2025 2-4pm.

Come and go as you please. Invite a friend to join in.

Zoom invitations will go out to members nearer the time.

If you would like to join us as a visitor, please email for a link


October 2024:  Origami Bauble Zoom Workshop CANCELLED

The deadline for applications for the Origami workshop has now passed.

It is with regret that, as we have not reached our minimum numbers to make the day viable, we have had to cancel this event.

If you have ideas for fund raising or events you would like to see put on, please email our committee via

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2024 July to September


September 2024:  Origami Bauble Zoom Workshop

Members have been sent a flyer with details and an application form for our November Origami Bauble workshop.

The Tutor who did our very successful Christmas Cracker workshop last year is returning with “Origami Baubles.” The baubles are suitable for any occasion not just Christmas.

The workshop is by Zoom and is being run by an outside organization on
Prompt 2.30pm start – 4pm (zoom opens @ 2.15pm)

Cost £25 per pack

This includes all materials except the PVA glue, a raffle ticket, tuition, admin & postage.

The closing date for applications is 25th OCTOBER 2024 to allow preparation & posting.

Open to UK residents only due to posting of packs

Booking is open to all virtual and classic WIs as well as our own members. This is open to friends and family too, so you don’t have to do it alone. Any WI member in the UK wishing to join us should apply for an application form via email to

August 2024:  Prize Club 2024/25

The last Prize Club draw for 2023/24 was at our August meeting.

For members wishing to renew for 2024/25 or join,  payment is due by 7th September.

Payment details have been sent out to members. £5 per entry.

The proceeds of this fundraiser are split between a lucky member at the draws in December, April and August with the rest retained in our funds.

August 2024:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Our next “afternoon tea” on zoom will be Thursday 10th October 2024 2pm to 4pm. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want.


July 2024:  Floral Zoom Workshop

Members have been sent a flyer with details and an application form for our September 2024 Floral workshop.

You don't have to be a florist or artistic but just want to learning something new and chat to other members at the same time.

Members are asked to apply promptly as an invitation will be sent to Norfolk Classic WIs and Virtual WIs shortly.

The workshop is by Zoom on THURSDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 2024 TIME 2-4PM

COST £5   The cost is to cover Admin & Tuition.

Closing Date for applications is 23rd August 2024

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2024 April to June


June 2024:  Our 2024 programme

In line with the change of annual meeting date already advised to members, our programmes are now for a calendar year.

The current programme has been adjusted just to include 2024 and the programme for Jan to Dec 2025 is under construction.

If you have any recommendations for our new programme, please let us know via

Our 2024 programme can be found here.

June 2024:  VWI Summer Festival E Magazine

Members have been sent a link to the VWI Summer Festival E Magazine containing information about the “Festival Month” particularly the “Festival Weekend.” 9-11 August.

The registration link will open Monday 1st July

Events are FREE to Virtual WI members

June 2024:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Our next “afternoon tea” on zoom will be Thursday 25th July 2024 2pm to 4pm. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want.


April 2024:  Garden Party at Weeting

Members have been sent a flyer with details and an application form for our garden Party at Weeting, Brandon, Norfolk (full address on receipt of application)

THURSDAY 27TH JUNE 2 – 4PM   Cost £6   Closing date for applications 24th June

An  afternoon of TEA, CAKE, CHAT & FUN and explore the garden of one of our members.

Included in the price is tea & cake, PLUS there will be a raffle and a book, produce & plant stall. If you can donate to this stall please bring items with you on a sale or return basis & let us know before via so we have the right size table on hand.

If you are a WI member, live nearby and would like to join us please contact for more info and an application form.

*** Don’t be disappointed,  apply soon as numbers are limited ***

April 2024:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Our next “afternoon tea” on zoom will be Tuesday 14th May 2024 2pm to 4pm. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want


April 2024:  Our 2024/25 programme

The new version of our programme for April 2024 to May 2025  contains more information about our extra events.

Our April 2024 to May 2025 programme can be found here.

April 2024:  A new version of our Virtually Norfolk WI logo

We have a new version of our Virtually Norfolk logo which incorporates a Harnser (or Heron to anyone outside Norfolk), the emblem of Norfolk WI.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

April 2024:  2024 Subscriptions and new 2024/25 programme

Our 2024 Subs are due from 1st April and are £48 full member. £23.60p dual.

Our programme for April 2024 to May 2025 has been sent to members and details can be found on our Programme web page.

If you wish to join us as a member, please contact via email.

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2024 January to March

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

February 2024: Annual Meeting

Welcome to Carol Cole, Jay Page and Aleathia Richards who have joined the existing members on the committee.

Congratulations to Hazel Jones who was unanimously voted in as our President for the forthcoming year.

Our thanks to President Hazel and the committee for all they do to support our Virtual WI.

February 2024: Afternoon Tea on zoom

Our next “afternoon tea” on zoom will be Tuesday 19th March 2024 2pm to 4pm. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

January 2024:  2024 VWI Summer Festival dates

The 2024 VWI Summer Festival has been announced.


Open to all members of Virtual WIs.

You can also find the VWI Member Group here:

A Facebook Group which is for all Full & Dual members of a Virtual WI.

January 2024:  Floral Table Decoration Zoom Workshop

Members have been sent a flyer with details and an application form for our March 2024 Floral Table Decoration workshop.

Why not join us and create a “Floral” Table decoration ready for Easter. Details can be found here.

A complete list of all you will need to make your arrangement will be sent to you upon receipt of registration form/payment.

The workshop is by Zoom on THURSDAY 21ST MARCH 2024  TIME 2-4PM

COST £5   The cost is to cover Admin & Tuition.

Closing Date for applications is 23rd February 2024

For non-members who wish to take part, please email for an application form.

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2023 October to December

October 2023:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Our next “afternoon tea” on zoom will be Tuesday 16th January 2024 2pm to 4pm. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want

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2023 July to September

August 2023:  Prize Club 2023/24

The last Prize Club draw for 2022/23 was at our August meeting.

For members wishing to renew for 2023/24 or join,  payment is due by 1st September.

Payment details have been sent out to members.

£5 per entry. Draws will take place every four months with the first in our December meeting.

August 2023:  Christmas Cracker Zoom Workshop

Booking is now open to all virtual and classic WIs as well as our own members. This is open to friends and family too, so you don’t have to do it alone. Any WI member in the UK wishing to join us should apply for an application form via email to

The workshop is by Zoom and is being run by an outside organization on


Prompt 2pm start – 4pm (zoom opens @ 1.45pm)

The closing date for applications is 20th September 2023 to allow preparation & posting.

Cost £25 per pack (Usual cost £37)

This includes all materials to make 3 crackers, Template & postage plus FREE Raffle Ticket.

Open to UK residents only due to posting of packs


July 2023:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Our next “afternoon tea” on zoom will be Thursday 21st September 2pm to 4pm. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want.

July 2023:  Advertising Virtually Norfolk

Our committee has been looking at ways to advertise our Virtual WI. One of the places we will be advertising is in the Village Book, a free publication that covers much of East/South Norfolk along the A47 corridor. See our ad here.

Our ad is on page 45 of the August/September edition of the Village Book, which you can see online at

Members can contact with any further ideas on how to advertise our Virtual WI.


July 2023:  Christmas Cracker Zoom Workshop

Members have been sent a flyer with details and an application form for our November Christmas Cracker craft workshop. This time our workshop is being run by an outside organisation and is open to members and any of their family (in the UK) who might wish to join in.

The workshop is by Zoom on WEDNESDAY 29TH NOVEMBER 2023 2PM to 4PM

Numbers are limited so members are asked to get their completed application back by Tuesday 1st August, after which it will opened up to Classic & other Virtual WIs.

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2023 April to June

June 2023:  Free Virtual Summer Festival

Members have been sent the registration form for the VWI Summer Festival on Sunday 20th August 2023. The form needs to be submitted by Friday July 7th to indicate which sessions you would like to attend. Please send a copy to

This is totally FREE and is open to members of Virtual WIs.


May 2023:  SAVE THE DATE  Free Virtual Summer Festival

The first event of the new Group of Virtual WIs will be a pop in and out as you wish Summer Festival on Sunday 20th August 2023.. This will be totally FREE to members of Virtual WIs.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

May 2023:  Next Zoom Craft workshop

We are looking at setting up another Zoom Craft Workshop on Wednesday 29th November 2023 perhaps with a Christmas theme in line with the date. More information on this nearer the time.

April 2023:  Afternoon Tea on zoom

Friday 12th May has been confirmed as our first “afternoon tea” on zoom. Members can come and go as they please,  even invite a friend to join them. An ideal opportunity to get to know each other and discuss whatever topics we want.

Expected to last no more than an hour and a half.


April 2023:  New 2023/24 programme and change to April speaker

Our programme for April 2023 to May 2024 has been sent to members.

In a change to our original programme, our April speaker will be Ann Morgan with her talk ‘Life is Like That’.

Our changed Programme can be found here.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

April 2023:  2023 Subscriptions

Our 2023 Subs are due from 1st April and are £46 full member. £22.60p dual.

If you are a member and need reminding of our bank details, or if you wish to become a member, please contact via email.


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2023 January to March

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

February 2023:  Annual Meeting

Welcome to Chris Frederick who has joined the existing members on the committee.

Congratulations to Hazel Jones who was voted in as our President for the forthcoming year.

Following her re-election as President, Hazel thanked all the members for their continued trust in her.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

February 2023:  Change to February speaker

In a change to our published programme, our February speaker will be Alison Gardiner with her talk "My Life As An Illustrator & Designer".

This will be followed by our Annual meeting.


January 2023:  Gingham Lace Afternoon Workshop by Zoom

Details and application form for the Craft Workshop by Zoom on Thursday 30th March have been sent to members. Committee member Ann Morgan will show you how to make a Gingham Lace Napkin.

Booking is open to all Virtual and classic Norfolk WIs. This is open to friends and family too, so you don’t have to do it alone. Any WI member in the UK wishing to join us should apply for an application form via email to

The closing date for applications is 21st February 2023.

Open to UK residents only due to posting of packs

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2022 October to December

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

November 2022:  Change to December speaker

In a change to our published programme, our December talk on the History of Panto will now be given by Pete Allen.

Our December meeting is one week early.


November 2022:  2022/23 Programme

Our Programme covering November 2022 through to March 2023 with dates and speakers can be found here.

Our December meeting is one week early. Our Annual meeting is in February.


October 2022:  Craft/Social Event 3rd December CANCELLED

The deadline for applications for the craft and social day has now passed.

It is with regret that, as we have not reached our minimum numbers to make the day viable, we have had to cancel this event.

We are hoping instead to run online workshops next year.

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2022 July to September

September 2022:  Prize Club 2022/23

The prizes in our Prize Club for 2022/23 will be £25 per draw.

Draws will take place every four months with the first in our December meeting.


August 2022:  Craft/Social Event 3rd December

Details and application form for the Craft/Social Event on3rd December 2022 at Garvestone have been sent to members. A choice of four crafts is available and there is an option of lunch and Social Afternoon only tickets for Non-Crafters. The flyer containing details of the crafts can be found here.

The closing date for applications is 21st October 2022.

Non-members are welcome if space allows – priority will be given to members. For an application form please contact via email.

July 2022:  Prize Club 2022/23

The last Prize Club draw for 2021/22 will be at our August meeting.

For members wishing to renew for 2022/23 or join,  payment is due before 1st September.

Payment details have been sent out to members.

£5 per entry. Draws will take place every four months with the first in our December meeting.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

July 2022:  Save the date -  Craft/Social Event 3rd December

A craft/social event is being planned for 3rd December 2022 at Garvestone.

Members will be sent details once finalised.

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2022 April to June

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

April 2022:  Change to April speaker

In a change to our published programme, we will be entertained at our Birthday meeting in April by Saffron Summerfield who will be telling us about “Milton Keynes to Mississippi” – live music with anecdotes, stories and a brief history of the guitar.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

April 2022:  2022 Subscriptions

Our 2022 Subs are due from 1st April and are £44 full member. £21.60p dual.
Bank details for transferring funds or setting up standing orders have been sent out to members.  
If you are a member and have further queries or you wish to become a member, please contact via email.

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2022 January to March


March 2022:  Garden Party in June

Details of our planned Garden Party on Thursday 16th June have been sent out to members. To assist with planning the transport and catering, members are asked to send replies and any comments via email to by 17th April

March 2022:  Hazel’s Virtually Norfolk EDP article

You can find President Hazel’s EDP WI WEEK article on the Norfolk WI Facebook page
and shared onto our own Facebook page

February 2022:  Proposed Garden Party

As our birthday lunch could not go ahead in April, we are planning a Garden Party in June instead. Thanks to the generosity of one of our members offering her garden. More information in due course.

February 2022:  Birthday Meal

In these uncertain times, our proposed birthday lunch in April had poor take-up, so it is with regret that this has had to be cancelled.

Virtually Norfolk WI logo

January 2022:  New email address for Virtually Norfolk WI

We have changed our email address. If you wish to contact us, please do so on

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For more information contact us at