About Us
Reedham WI was formed in 1974 and has met in a variety of locations meeting now in the village hall. We currently have 25 members of mixed ages and meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 7.30pm to 10pm and have an active, varied programme. At every meeting, we have a speaker or activity, a raffle, a competition and there is always time to chat to other members and relax with a cuppa.
We have regular trips and a variety of outings, including meals out and visiting local attractions, with an annual summer trip further afield. We like to be involved in all aspects of our community and take part in village and surrounding area events and support a local food bank. We have a thriving book group, a summer darts team and fair weather cycling and walking groups.
Come and join us; time to make new friends and enjoy something just for you. Visitors are always welcome!
For further details contact reedhamwi@outlook.com
Or see our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/reedhamnorfolk