Norfolk Day Menus

Norfolk Day Menus, sent in by members of Norfolk WIs

A Norfolk Day Vegan Menu

Frances Mobbs

Acle WI

Frances MobbsI have long been a champion of shopping locally ... ...

In recent times my foraging on a Friday has become an important part of my quest to find fresh locally grown produce within a two mile radius of my home here in South Walsham.

Even more important to me is the support it gives to our local growers and farmers of Norfolk. By keeping it local our food miles have also kept to a minimum. I have a regular supplier of eggs, fresh vegetables and berries.

I am also passionate about sharing my love of food, and I especially love sharing my joy of cooking with my other passion in life, the WI. Being confined to home over these last few months has given me more time to enjoy preparing the wonderful food we have been able to source.

We love to vary our diet so the vegan recipes I am sharing with you all are all made using seasonally fresh produce and that’s just one of the reason I love our county of Norfolk!



Pea Dip

Homegrown Harefen Farm Pea Dip with Crudités

A lovely flavour of freshly harvested peas, great for a starter.


  • 1lb fresh peas
  • 3 sprigs of mint
  • Zest and juice of 1 lime
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp of Rapeseed Oil
  • Selection of crudités


Pulse the peas with the mint, lime juice and zest, garlic and oil in a food processor. Serve in a dish with a drizzle of oil, surrounded with a selection of with veggie crudités. I have served this with homegrown carrots.

Gratin of Courgettes

Gratin of Courgettes on a bed of sautéed onions, kale and spinach serves 4


  • 3 medium courgettes
  • 1 red onion sliced
  • A handful of spinach
  • A handful of kale
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 3 tbsp Rapseed Oil
  • 2 tbsp Vegan Parmesan
  • Pinch of garlic salt
  • Season with black pepper


  1. Sauté onion, spinach and kale in 1tbsp of oil over a medium-low heat until soft, season with a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Set aside.
  2. Preheat oven to 180°C/ gas2
  3. Slice courgettes then add to a mixing bowl with remaining 2 tbsp oil, a pinch of salt, pinch of black pepper, pinch of garlic powder (optional), and 2 tbsp of the vegan parmesan cheese.
  4. Toss to coat.
  5. Spread the slightly cooled onions, spinach and kale on the bottom of a heatproof dish.
  6. Top with courgettes, layering as you go.
  7. Top with an even layer of the vegan parmesan cheese and bake for 30 minutes. Let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

Main DishesGratin of Courgettes

Roasted Cauliflower Serves 4


  • 1 Large Cauliflower cut into thick slices
  • 3 tbsp Oil
  • Pinch of paprika
  • Pinch of garlic salt.
  • Season with black pepper


  1. Place the cauliflower on a baking tray lined with baking parchment, drizzle with the oil and sprinkle the seasoning on both sides.
  2. Roasted in preheated oven 180°C/ gas2 for  20 minutes.

    Tomato Salad Serves 4


    • 1 x 300g / 1 x 11 oz  tomatoes, halved. Especially pretty if you have several different varieties of tomatoes mixed together.
    • 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
    • 3 tbsp Rapseed Oil
    • 1 red onion finely sliced
    • A handful of finely chopped fennel or finely sliced fennel bulb, chopped flat-leaf parsley/coriander & finely chopped chives


    1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 2.
    2. Lay the tomatoes cut-side up on a roasting tray. Drizzle 3 tbsp of the oil over the tomatoes, and season.
    3. Sprinkle with chopped fennel, garlic & onions, pop into the oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until very soft.
    4. Arrange on a dish and sprinkle with herbs of choice and a little more oil.
    5. Any surplus can be stored in a jar of oil for about 2 weeks.
Fresh Berries

Fresh Berries in Sugar free Jelly


  • 1 x Simply Delish Zero
  • 400g mixed berries


  1. I use Simply Delish zero raspberry jelly, suitable for diabetics and it is gelatine free.
  2. Take one packet of the jelly powder, mix with 100ml of cold water, stir until dissolved, add 400ml of boiling water and stir.
  3. Take 4 glass serving dishes and arrange the fresh berries equally, pour over the jelly. The jelly sets very quickly, refrigerate until serving.

Norfolk PicnicA Norfolk Day Picnic Menu with Norfolk Ingredients

From Carol Makins
Horsford WI

Norfolk Crab Sandwiches

& Crab Blinis.

Cromer crabs are well known in the UK for their delicious unique taste, perfect filling for a sandwich or as a topping for blinis.

Norfolk Crab Sandwiches

As a sandwich filling:

  • White crabmeat
  • Mayonnaise
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Snipped chives (optional)
  • Combine ingredients together in a bowl, then sandwich between two slices of lightly buttered granary bread.

As a topping for Blinis;

Combine the brown meat from the body of the crab with a little lemon juice or vinegar. Place a teaspoon on top of each blini and garnish with finely chopped fresh chilli.

For the Blinis;

  • 100grams plain flour
  • 1 egg separated
  • 150mls milk
  • 25grams butter (melted)
  • Bunch of chives snipped (optional)
  • Sunflower oil, for cooking.

Tip the flower into a bowl, season. Make a whole in the middle, add the egg yoke and half of the milk. Whisk until smooth, gradually add the rest of the milk and then the butter. Whisk the egg whites until starting to stiffen, then add into the mixture. Sprinkle some oil in a frying pan and sizzle small spoonfuls for 2-3 mins on each side until golden.

  • 560grams flour
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Powder.
  • 125grams Butter
  • 50grams Caster Sugar
  • 2eggs
  • 5 fl oz Milk
  • Filling
  • 90grams Soft Butter
  • 50grams Soft Brown Sugar
  • 285grams Mixed Fruit
  • ½ teaspoon Mixed Spice
  • Extra Milk and Sugar for the top
  • Oven temperature 220C/450F
  • Gas Mark6
  1. Place all the ingredients except egg, milk in food processor.
  2. Mix for approx 10 mins. Add eggs,mix for further 5 seconds. Next, add milk gradually until soft pliable dough is formed.
  3. Turn mixture onto floured surface, pat down with floured hands. Divide the scone in two, roll out to ¼ inch thick.
  4. Place one half onto a lined baking tray. Spread with soft butter. Spread the mixed fruit evenly on the butter, sprinkle with the mixed spice. Finally sprinkle over the brown sugar. Roll out  the second half of mixture and place on top. Lightly coat the top with milk and sprinkle the sugar. Lightly mark required portion sizes.
  5. Bake in oven for approximately 25mins.

Norfolk Scone

Traditionally an 8” round with dried fruit in middle.

Served with  with a drizzle of delicious Norfolk honey.

Norfolk Scone

Homemade Elderflower Cordial

Elderflower Cordial

This refreshing drink is from a slightly adapted recipe from BBC Food, and a perfect accompaniment to any picnic. It is delicious served with sparkling water, or sparkling wine if you fancy something a little stronger!

  • 30 elderflower heads
  • 1.7 litres (3pints) boiling water
  • 900grams caster sugar
  • 50grams citric acid (available from chemists)
  • 2 oranges, sliced
  • 3 lemons, sliced
  1. Gently rinse over the elderflowers to remove any dirt or insects
  2. Pour the boiling water over the sugar in a very large bowl. Stir well and leave to cool.
  3. Add citric acid, the orange and lemon slices, and then the flowers.
  4. Leave in a cool place for 24 hours, stirring occasionally.
  5. Strain through some muslin and transfer to sterilised bottles.
  6. Makes 1.5litres – 2 ¾pints.
Barford, Wramplingham and District WI

A Norfolk Day Lunch Menu

compiled from an old recipe book belonging to
Barford, Wramplingham & District WI
From Sandra Tovee

On welcome

we would serve

  • 1 Lemon,  1 rounded tablespoon sugar, 1/2 pint boiling water
  • Peel rind from 1 lemon and soak in boiling water with sugar.  Leave for as long as possible.  Strain water and squeese lemon juice into liquid. Perfect!

Starter will be

Beetroot Soup
  • 2 large beets, 1/2 pint stock, 1 onion, plain yogurt.
  • Cook beets.  Fry chopped onion, grate beetroot into pan and glaze gently, add stock and simmer for 30 mins.  Mix in blender, season with salt and pepper and a dash of vinegar.  Stir in yogurt and reheat gently.
  • This is also delicious cold,sprinkled with parsley.

Main Course

Devilled Ham
  • Slices of Gammon, 1 tbls English Mustard, 1tbls Mango Chutney,
  • 1 tbls Butter, 1 tbls French Mustard,  1tbls Lemon Juice.
  • Fried Breadcrumbs and Cayenne pepper.
  • Place Gammon onto tray.  Mix all other ingredients together except fried breacrumbs and cayenne pepper, then spread onto Gammon, sprinkle with cayenne pepper and fried breacrumbs. Bake at 325 for 20 mins.  Quite rich so serve with baked potato and French bread.

Dessert is

Lemon Pudding
  • 2oz marge, rind and juice of 1 Lemon, 1 cup of milk, 2 egg yolks,
  • 1 teacup caster sugar, 2 tbls plain flour, 2 egg whites.
  • Beat marge and sugar (this will not exactly cream as there is too much sugar for creaming)
  • Add and mix together the lemon rind, juice and cup of milk.  Add flour and two beaten egg yolks.   Whisk egg whites well and fold in.
  • Pour into greased dish and bake 30 mins at 340-360.  Gas mark 3-4.
  • Would imagine this is delicious with custard or cream.

More Norfolk Recipes here